AWS Dredge
AWS Dredge


  • Environmental Remediation

Environmental remediation means of providing a remedy for the harmed environment—a remedy for polluted or contaminated water or soil that poses a threat to ecological and human health.

  • Industrial Lagoons

There are many types of industrial lagoons. Many generating stations, food processors, paper mills, mines, and farms have lagoons.  Industrial lagoons (aka waste ponds) are designed for the disposal of byproduct pollutants.  In the mining industry, mineral or metal-rich, dewatered sludge may be reprocessed for a high percentage collection of product. Typically, sludge dredged from farm, food-processing, or paper mill lagoons may be recycled and field-applied, using AWS equipment, as a nutrient-rich fertilizer.  Dredged material from coal powered generation station may be used as a concrete strengthening supplement.

  • Aquatic Habitation

Earth’s natural ecosystems and habitats are deteriorating at an alarming rate. We would like to assist in creating, restoring, or improving ecosystems to that would help give animal life a natural habitat. 

  • Waste Water Treatment Facilities

Dredged and treated sludge from waste water treatment facilities is used as a nutrient-rich fertilizer for land application.

  • Material Harvesting
    • Mining
      • Dredging can excavate underwater mineral or metal deposits that can’t be reached otherwise.
    • Aquatic Vegetation
      • Dredging to remove aquatic vegetation is beneficial in a number of ways.  To list a couple, harvesting aquatic vegetation opens up water ways that have become troublesome for boating or recreation.  Also, removing aquatic vegetation slows the sedimentation rate of the water body.
  • Channel & Marina Maintenance

Routine channel and marina maintenance is required in order to keep channels and marinas deep and navigable.  

  • Channel & Marina Creation

Create new commerce, recreation, and new source of life to dry land.

  • Geotextile Tubes

Due to their cost-effectiveness, speed, efficiency and minimal environmental impact, sludge dewatering tubes (geotextile tubes) are increasing in popularity for municipal water & waste water treatment, marine dredging operations, agricultural remediation, construction dewatering and shoreline protection.


  • Specializing In:

Lagoon CleanOut

Digester Cleaning

Land Application

Beneficial Reuse


Contact Us Today!

AWS Dredge
5046 N 2400 W

Smithfield, UT 84335

Phone: +1 435 563-2522+1 435 563-2522


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